Mindfulness technique

Mindfulness teaches us to focus on the present. It helps us to accept the present situation and let go of stress.

What is a Strength and Conditioning Coach?

A Strength and Conditioning (S&C) Coach plans, delivers and reviews the physical and physiological preparation of athletes aligned to specific sports performance outcomes.

In order to do this, Strength and Conditioning Coaches have a deep understanding of the physical characteristics required to excel in sports performance. They understand what it takes for an athlete to be resilient to the demands of the intensity and volume within their training environment thus maximizing the technical training opportunities in their respective sports.  Plans can then be specifically tailored to the adaptations required, and, maximized in the strength and conditioning coaching environment in-line with the culture of the sport.

Strength and Conditioning is about more than lifting weights – it encompasses the entire physical development of the athlete and what is required to allow them to be the best physical version of themselves.

Why is there a Strength and Conditioning at the EIS?

The Strength and Conditioning strategy at the EIS is aligned to both improving sports performance and mitigating the risk of injury. This is carried out in conjunction with the rest of the interdisciplinary support team and is delivered in line with the coach and athletes requirements.  S&C coaches bridge the gap between the theory and application of training through an athlete’s journey from pathway to performance.

The strategy reflects both the technical knowledge application and professional skills required aligned to the three pillars of:

  1. Testing, monitoring and diagnostics to inform programmes.
  2. Planning and programming to maximize adaptation and optimize performance.
  3. Coaching to bring to life the programme in an appropriate climate and culture aligned to the sport to maximise adaptations.

How does Strength and Conditioning have a performance impact?

Strength and Conditioning coaches utilise a performance backwards approach to model performance impacting training prescription based on the holistic needs of the athlete.

They support the problem solving of performance questions within the sport through genuine curiosity and a constant drive to support athletes.  This is based on a deep understanding of the sports we work with, their culture and the relationships between all those involved, which means we are able to integrate rapidly, build trust and add value.