Workplace stress

Workplace stress is usually the result of unpleasant encounters with your colleagues at the workplace. Such things keep happening at everyone’s office. In fact you may remember several such stressful incidents from your office.

The reason why such incidents become stressful is that we attach emotions to them.
Let me explain.

A colleague passing a critical comment is nothing new. The colleague may be trying to help us by pointing out our mistake. But if we become angry or sad after hearing the comment, this becomes a source of stress. The comment is just a statement. Few words. On the other hand, our anger or sadness is an emotion. When we attach an emotion to the critical comment, the comment becomes stressful. Otherwise it is just a comment.
Try detaching your emotions from what others say about you.
A few words become powerful stressors only when we attach importance and hidden meaning to them. Humans are emotional. Our emotions must be useful to us and not destroy our peace. Learn to become unemotional whenever you are being criticised. Turn off your emotional wifi when not necessary.