Undergo stress

We all undergo stress right from the time of our birth. In fact, probably the first stress we experience is crying at birth. What we do not appreciate is that stress has the powerful ability to change us. Every time one experiences stress, one becomes a different person.

To understand this, try to remember the last time you were given a major responsibility at your office. You may have been slightly worried and stressed before the task. But as you took control of the task and finished the job, you evolved into a different person. A more capable person. The stress changed you. Like the stress of a sculptor chipping away at a rock transforms it into a beautiful sculpture. Or the stress of fire with high temperature separating gold from its ore. Any great personality or a great piece of work, is the result of great stress.
That is why stress is a shaper. It brings about a psychological change in humans. This quality of stress makes it useful.
Therefore, when facing stress, take it as an opportunity to change yourself. Do not feel sad or worried about new or bigger responsibilities. These are opportunities to grow. We do not know our true potential until we transform. No one changes himself/ herself when happy and relaxed. Stress is the stimulus that pushes us out of our comfort zone. In the end, we surprise ourselves by becoming someone new.