Time as currency

Do you know what is the most important and valuable gift that you can give to anyone? Your time. Because time is irreplaceable. Time is non-renewable. Time does not come back.

So instead of valuing things in terms of money, we better start valuing most things using ‘time’ as a currency. For example, the car that you drive may be worth 2 years of salary. Or the watch you are wearing may be worth 15 days of work at the office. Measuring the value of things based on time, keeps us focused.
We are all born with limited time at our disposal. So if one spends 2 days’ time every week worrying about problems, then it is a waste of about 104 days every year. Or approximately three and a half months. Such a waste of life! Instead, if that time would have been spent on productive work, the person could have lead a much happier life. Stop devoting your precious time to silly problems and office rumours. Focus on extracting the best out of the limited time you have.