The mindfly

Imagine living a life with total control over your thoughts! Seems far fetched, isn't it? Well, that is because most of us do not spend time learning to control our minds, the way we work to acquire skills for a job.

An untrained mind is mostly restless. It is like a restless insect - the ubiquitous housefly. It keeps buzzing around. It is not efficient. It prefers foul and dirty things. Likewise, an untrained mind can be restless and keep seeking wasteful thoughts. A lot of time is spent worrying or day dreaming. Imagine the colossal loss of work hours. Such a mind can be called - 'The Mind fly'. How does one control this? Simple answer. You don't. You just befriend your mind. Getting multiple thoughts is normal. You can not fight normal. Instead, befriend your mind. Meditation will help you know and make friendship with your mind. Once you begin this journey, you will realize what stresses your mind. Or when your mind is most vulnerable in a day. Make a mental note of your mind fly's likes and dislikes. If your mind becomes calm around a certain place or people, seek such situations when stressed. If it becomes restless when hungry, carry some sweets with you to give your mind some sugar boost during stress. Know your mind. Befriend your Mind Fly.