The Mind Garden

Imagine that our minds were pieces of fertile land at birth. Imagine that we were expected to grow good thoughts and make our minds, gardens of positivity.

We were to pull out all negative thoughts as weeds, and focus on only the flower or fruit bearing shrubs and trees.
These ‘good thought trees’ would then form an ecosystem within ourselves. It would affect the way we see the world around us.
In reality however, before we become aware of concepts of positivity or negativity, we live our lives growing & nurturing needless thoughts in our mind gardens. We may have some fruit bearing positive thought trees but they can be surrounded by thorny bushes and weeds.
A mind garden in disarray essentially leads to internal chaos and stress. A clean mind garden, on the other hand, brings peace. Such a mind focuses on positive aspects of life and leads a healthy social life.
So what can be done if one has a chaotic mind garden?
Like a gardener, we must start off by weeding and pruning. Remember that thoughts grow only when we focus on them. If you focus on positive thoughts, positivity thrives in your mind. If you focus on negativity, then you end up with a dark and sad place in your mind garden. So stop focusing on sad thoughts. No matter what. May it be your superior scolding you, your colleague giving you a cold shoulder or your vehicle breaking down, never focus too much on these thoughts. People spend years focusing on past negativity and grow those thoughts into huge oak trees. And then complain about nothing being good in this world!
You reap what you sow. Start sowing seeds of good thoughts in your mind. Focus on them everyday. Let them grow. Do not plant the negative thought seeds given to you by your boss or colleague or whoever. Own your mind garden. Harvest positivity.