The Heart Never Forgives

Everyday when we hurry to work, we know we are stressed. When we rush to complete pending work before evening, we know we are stressed. Deep inside a voice tells us that we need to relax, but we don’t.

We think that someday we will be more organised. Someday we will work without stress. Maybe after a promotion we will have more time. Or maybe once we find a better job we will relax.
In this waiting for a better time and place, you are exposing your heart to harmful stress. Did you know that chronic everyday stress causes an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure. Your heart has to work harder than normal. The price of everyday stress = One heart. The heart never forgives. Can you afford it?
What do you do?
Practise breathing exercises ( ).
Organise your morning routine ( )
These 2 simple techniques can protect your heart. Change yourself today for a better you.