Talk sweet

Everyone wants to work at a happy workplace. A workplace becomes happy or sad depending on the conversations that take place. Good conversations are nothing but good words.

Words require very little energy. Words of care between colleagues attract respect for each other. Words of appreciation and kindness make everyone feel cared for.

On the other hand, an atmosphere of criticism makes people want to leave. How to change your workplace atmosphere?
It is easy to blame others for our workplace atmosphere. We can not change others. The change has to begin within us.
Instead of expecting others to talk sweetly, we should ensure that we are always kind in our words. Be generous with appreciation for your juniors. Always avoid conflicts. A simple ‘sorry’, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ used at the right time can avoid many problems. Enquire about each others’ health at the workplace. Harsh words can be replied with silence and a smile. Don’t be kind expecting others to be kind. Be kind because you are a kind person.
Small steps such as these will influence others too and make your workplace happy.