Stress need management

I was talking to a friend once. He was worried about a deadline and seemed really stressed about it. I identified that he was not coping well under pressure and advised him to learn stress management.

My friend laughed at my suggestion. He felt that stress management was not necessary. He felt that ‘he knew’ how to handle stress for a long time.
I actually felt sorry for him. He took stress management too lightly.
Stress is found everywhere during the current times. Yet stress is not something that disappears on its own. It needs management. We have to invest time and energy to learn stress management. Practising simple meditation for 5 minutes everyday can be the first step. Breathing exercises and conscious attempts to identify what stresses us in daily life, helps stress management.
We need to stop making excuses. We need to act before it is too late and we end up with stress related diseases. We need to learn stress management now!