Sleep and stress

Don't we all like to wake up fresh and be full of energy to face the day? Yes. But do we always wake up fresh? No. A well rested body is the key to a fresh mind. Sleep plays a very important role in resting our body.

If you do not sleep well, you will spend the next day feeling stressed and tired. You will be irritable and keep dozing off. Despite knowing that sleep is important, why do most of us have difficulty in falling asleep? I had read somewhere that we have become a generation that has difficulty in falling asleep. This is very true. For some people, falling asleep is actually a task. They hate their bedroom. Because they know they will lie awake for hours. And when they wake up, they feel as if they have worked in a field all night.
So then, what should one do to get better sleep? 
Follow simple techniques like always maintaining a sleep time. Do not delay going to bed if you are feeling sleepy. Always use your bedroom only for sleeping. Do not watch television or read books in your bedroom. Keep your mobile phone away. People tend to keep browsing on their cellphones. Cell Phones delay sleep onset. When you keep watching the screenlight, your mind does not shut down and fall asleep. Take a walk in the evenings to make you feel tired. Having a glass of buttermilk or some curds at dinner helps you fall asleep. Do not treat sleeping as a task. Stop trying hard. Relax. Practise breathing exercises and let sleep approach you.