My stress journal
All things in this universe are governed by numbers or patterns. Our emotions are one such thing that fall into patterns.
I mean to say that if we carefully study our emotions, we can start understanding what makes us happy or sad, who are our friends who make us laugh, what time of the day we are most happy etc. Our stress too can be studied this way.
One method that we can use to study our stress pattern is a journal. It is a book that you keep with you always. Every time you have stress, you write down the day and time, what is causing the stress, your immediate feelings and what relaxes you. Also you give a score to your stress from 1 to 10 depending on severity. 1 means a low level stress and 10 means you are highly stressed.
Keeping a journal helps in analysing at the end of a few weeks. Usually after a month, you can start seeing a pattern of stress in your life. You can see which stress has the highest scoring, which stress is more common in the mornings etc. Once you realise what causes most of your stress, you can make a plan to tackle the root cause. I have attached a sample table for a stress journal in the picture below.