Leaky tomorrows

If I were to tell you to describe a dream that you had, say anytime last month, you would probably remember only some parts of the dream. Many times we do not even remember our dreams.

Now if I were to ask you to change what you dreamt last week, would it be possible? Of course not. We can not change what is in the past. There is this wall in time. A wall between us in the present and yesterday. A strong unbreakable wall. So whenever we look at our past, we realise that we can not change it.
Yet when some of us think about tomorrow, we do not think there is a strong wall between today and tomorrow. We act as if there is a leaky wall. A wall with holes between now and tomorrow. Why leaky? Because, tomorrow’s worries and anxiety leaks through the wall and spoils today. We worry so much about tomorrow’s problems today, that we do not live happily in the present.
What to do if you are experiencing stress thinking about tomorrow?
Remember that tomorrow is unseen. The more you try to predict it, the more stressed you will be. In fact your stress arises from trying to predict what may go wrong and then preparing for it. You keep rehearsing mentally about what worse can happen. Then you keep preparing answers mentally. It becomes a vicious cycle. You actually start living in your predicted future scenario. This takes a toll on your health. You remain stressed about something that has not occurred and spoil your today.
So stop predicting the problems of tomorrow. The next time you feel stressed or anxious, think about what your mind is focusing on. Is your mind focusing on tomorrow’s problems? Then close your eyes and visualise a wall between you and your predicted problems from tomorrow. A strong wall. As strong as the wall between you and yesterday. Live in the present. You are strong when you live in the present. The moment you try to live tomorrow in today’s time, you become helpless and stressed.