Inner peace formula

What if we could gain peace and calm at our workplace? What if we did not need to go home to relax but instead found happiness at our workplace? Is it impossible? No, it is possible.

Remember that finding inner peace and calm is not dependent on our surroundings, always. Our mood can affect how we see our surroundings too. A worried person will be unhappy even in a garden. Therefore a happy person can find peace even at workplace.
How to be happy on the inside then?
You can use a formula that I like to call The 3 Looks.
1. Do not LOOK back
A lot of mental stress and pain at the workplace arises when we remember how someone at our workplace had ill-treated us in the past. Learn to forgive and forget these things. Do not keep looking back at the past.
2. LOOK for work
Being busy helps us fight stress. When our mind is busy focusing on work, we do not have time to worry or feel bad about our situation. If you do not have work, go and look for more work. Help others if needed.
3. LOOK forward
Always keep looking forward to good things in your life. Plan a weekend trip or a beach walk. Plan a delicious meal for your family. Live your small dreams every weekend.

Using this formula, keep yourself happy. Eventually the workplace will start reflecting your peace and calm.