Declutter your mind

Clutter is a collection of things lying about in an untidy state. Although this definition applies to things, did you know that many of us lead lives with a cluttered mind?

When we start filling our minds with needless thoughts, we end up with a cluttered mind. Memories of being wronged by others, thoughts of unpaid grocery bills, worries about tomorrow, deadlines to be met etc. are all thoughts that can clutter your mind, if not organised. Do we really need 10 thoughts shooting across our minds concurrently?
A collection of thoughts that are not organised can use up your brain computing power. Think of your cell phone. Several apps running simultaneously cause the phone to hang. What do you do then? You close some unnecessary apps. The next time you are feeling stressed, it may be that you are running several thoughts/tasks in your mind. Most of them are unnecessary at that particular time.
So how do we close these thoughts? Unfortunately our brains lack a Ctrl+Alt+Del combination to open task manager. However we can use this simple technique:
Slow down. Take a seat. Take deep breaths.
Write down the thoughts whizzing across your mind.
Prioritise the thoughts. Choose the most important task at hand.
Start working on only one task at a time. Do not multitask.
A clear and focused mind is an efficient mind.