Bridges to stress

My experience in teaching stress management has shown that a major source of stress at the workplace can be a colleague who keeps complaining. People tend to be connected to such stress generating people through ‘mental bridges’.

I mean to say that a person can get negative energy and stress from others through ‘routes’ or 'mental bridges'. These routes or bridges could be speech, facial expressions or text.
Let me explain. A worker at an office can collect negative energy from another colleague who keeps complaining about his/her job. This negative energy gets transferred by the complaining person’s words(speech bridge) or by seeing the person appear depressed and worried (visual bridge). Even after work, you can get text messages from your colleague complaining about the next deadline (text bridge).
How to deal with this?
1. Switch off your brain whenever you are around such a colleague. Try remembering your last vacation and let your mind wander.
2. Keep looking at your watch frequently, they will know that you have other things to do.
3. Try telling your colleague politely that you are busy and need to get back to work.

Avoid accumulating unnecessary complaints and negative energy at your workplace. Like, share and follow for more such tips.