15 minute stress antidote

Are you feeling stressed and anxious every morning when going to work?
Maybe you are not preparing for your morning routine.

Daily stress harms your body. In the long run, you may end up with stress related diseases.
Planning is the antidote to stress. Like antibiotics kill bacteria.
If you want a peaceful work life, then starting the same way every day will not lower your stress levels. You will have to change the way you start your day. I am writing below, simple tips to help you plan your morning routine.
One of the most common reasons for early morning stress is getting late to work. How do we solve this?
Preparation for morning routine begins the previous evening. Spend 10 minutes every evening, preparing for the next day. Prepare your dress, shoes etc for the next day.
Take a paper and calculate how much time you need to get into your vehicle from the moment you wake up. Suppose you need 1 hour. Start getting ready 1 hour and 15 minutes earlier. The extra 15 minutes will be your stress antidote for that day. You may love to sleep in those 15 minutes. But sacrifice is essential for stress free life. When you wake up 15 minutes early, you will have extra time to get ready for work. You will love yourself more for being on time. Your colleagues will also appreciate your punctuality.
Plan your breakfast in advance. Whether you cook for yourself or order takeaways, remember to allot time for it.
Stay away from checking morning social media posts until you are ready to leave your home. It is very easy to lose 15 to 20 minutes checking social media apps and then get stressed about getting late to work.
These simple tips can help save your body in the long run.
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