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Shivamogga Karnataka India


  • The mindfly

    Imagine living a life with total control over your thoughts! Seems far fetched, isn't it? Well, that is because most of us do not spend time learning to control our minds, the way we work to acquire skills for a job.

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  • Food and Mood

    Here is some food for thought: Diet can affect your mood.
    Origin of Depression is predominantly explained either by neurobiology or by stressful life events.

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  • Declutter your mind

    Clutter is a collection of things lying about in an untidy state. Although this definition applies to things, did you know that many of us lead lives with a cluttered mind?

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  • Possessive about your stress

    Sometimes people become attached to their stress or the person who causes stress.

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  • Stress need management

    I was talking to a friend once. He was worried about a deadline and seemed really stressed about it. I identified that he was not coping well under pressure and advised him to learn stress management.

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  • Workplace stress

    Workplace stress is usually the result of unpleasant encounters with your colleagues at the workplace. Such things keep happening at everyone’s office. In fact you may remember several such stressful incidents from your office.

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  • Repeated problem needed zero stress

    Give a better response to similar challenges.
    Do you keep stressing over deadlines and challenges at your workplace? Well, you may say who does not!

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  • Inner peace formula

    What if we could gain peace and calm at our workplace? What if we did not need to go home to relax but instead found happiness at our workplace? Is it impossible? No, it is possible.

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  • Undergo stress

    We all undergo stress right from the time of our birth. In fact, probably the first stress we experience is crying at birth. What we do not appreciate is that stress has the powerful ability to change us. Every time one experiences stress, one becomes a different person.

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  • What do you see?

    I want you to look at the accompanying image for 10 seconds before you read this.
    What do you see?

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  • World Mental Health day

    Organised by Rotaract Club of Universal College of Engineering.
    In collaboration with
    *Rotaract Club of DTSS College*
    *Rotaract Club of Mumbai Wadala East*
    *Rotaract Club of Vivek College*
    *Rotaract Club of Mumbai Elegant*

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  • Green is good for mood

    Green is a colour associated with nature. All the chlorophyll in plants and trees that captures solar energy, also has a pleasant effect on our mood. Green is said to be a calming colour.

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  • The Mind Garden

    Imagine that our minds were pieces of fertile land at birth. Imagine that we were expected to grow good thoughts and make our minds, gardens of positivity.

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  • Flow like a mongoose

    I remember how fascinated I was the first time I saw a mongoose fighting a snake. I was young when I watched this documentary on television. A little energetic creature was facing off with a snake.

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  • Sleep and stress

    Don't we all like to wake up fresh and be full of energy to face the day? Yes. But do we always wake up fresh? No. A well rested body is the key to a fresh mind. Sleep plays a very important role in resting our body.

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  • Teamwork v/s Stress

    Our world comprises people with different personalities. Some are brave in the face of stress. Some love to talk to others about their worries. Did you know that being surrounded by the specific kinds of personalities can affect your stress levels?

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  • Leaky tomorrows

    If I were to tell you to describe a dream that you had, say anytime last month, you would probably remember only some parts of the dream. Many times we do not even remember our dreams.

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  • Breathing exercise

    Suppose you had a friend who wanted to become a weightlifter. If your friend said that he/she would train only for one day and expect to lift 100kg weight the next day, is it possible? Most likely not. The same applies to relaxation techniques. You have to treat relaxation as a skill. It has to be practised repeatedly.

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  • 15 minute stress antidote

    Are you feeling stressed and anxious every morning when going to work?
    Maybe you are not preparing for your morning routine.

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  • What’s cooking?

    Our lives are like cooking in a kitchen. We have 3 to 4 dishes being cooked simultaneously. These dishes could be job, family, personal growth, wealth etc. We need to focus on all, in the limited time that we have.

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  • At the drop of a hat

    Do you switch off your mind from work, once you leave your office? You should. If you keep thinking about pending work, then you are spoiling your personal life.

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  • Does coffee affect sleep?

    Coffee and tea contain a chemical called caffeine.
    Caffeine is a stimulant. Which means if you drink coffee or tea, you won’t get sleepy.

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  • Me time

    In this crazy busy world, are you taking time out for yourself?
    Do you keep telling yourself that you will relax once you get a particular job done? And then run after another deadline?

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  • Body image and stress

    Everybody goes through phases when they feel they are too fat or too thin or they have some undesirable physical quality. These negative thoughts are further enforced by negative comments from people around us.

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  • Penguins handle job stress.

    Penguins are interesting birds. They live on icy land. But they must go into the sea to hunt fish for food. To survive, they need to swim.

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  • Lower expectations to lower stress

    One of the important causes of stress is that we have high expectations. From everyone. We expect our jobs to be easy. We expect our colleagues to be nice. We expect the car to run smoothly everyday.

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  • Kids learn our stress response

    Children learn how to react from adults. Children do not always listen to what you advise, but they see how you act and copy your behaviour.

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  • Dealing with deadlines

    Modern work life is filled with projects and deadlines. Deadlines can be a major source of stress. Here are some tips to handle any deadline stress free.

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  • The Heart Never Forgives

    Everyday when we hurry to work, we know we are stressed. When we rush to complete pending work before evening, we know we are stressed. Deep inside a voice tells us that we need to relax, but we don’t.

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  • Alauddin had stress

    The famous tale of Alauddin and his magic lamp gives us a small lesson on stress management. Alauddin got a magic lamp with a genie within. The genie granted him 3 wishes. Just 3 wishes.

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  • What is 'good stress'?

    We keep associating stress with negative feelings and situations. But did you know that stress can be good too?

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  • The water bottle of Berto

    Ron was hurrying to his workplace. He could feel his heart beat fast and sweat flowing down his back. He had to make it to his office before 9 am. He knew he was stressed but he pushed himself to walk faster and reach on time.

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  • My stress journal

    All things in this universe are governed by numbers or patterns. Our emotions are one such thing that fall into patterns.

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  • The time travelers

    Has time travel been invented? No. But do some people act as if they are time traveling? Probably yes. How? I keep seeing people worry about tomorrow. They keep thinking and imagining worrisome situations that may happen tomorrow.

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  • Self belief and GPS

    Do you remember the days when we used to travel without GPS or smartphones to show us the way? Remember how we used to stop to ask people for directions? We used to eventually reach our destination.

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  • Bridges to stress

    My experience in teaching stress management has shown that a major source of stress at the workplace can be a colleague who keeps complaining. People tend to be connected to such stress generating people through ‘mental bridges’.

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  • Stress and Emotional

    Emotional reasoning is a thinking process. In this process, a person decides that their emotional reaction is proof enough for something to be true.

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  • The Stress free butterfly

    A beautiful butterfly once flew into a garden. The butterfly had blue wings with black spots and pattern. The garden was filled with flowering plants and bushes. The butterfly kept hopping from one flower to another.

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  • How to handle toxic colleagues?

    Being in touch with everyone is helpful in networking. However the same does not apply to toxic people. We all come across people who are difficult to deal with. They have toxic traits or characteristics that make a peaceful relationship impossible.

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  • Time as currency

    Do you know what is the most important and valuable gift that you can give to anyone? Your time. Because time is irreplaceable. Time is non-renewable. Time does not come back.

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  • How seeds succeed!

    A seed is nature’s pen drive of genetic information. Information for the plan of a full grown tree. It has all the codes for making leaves, trunks, fruits, flowers, colours etc.

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  • Our journeys are different!

    Comparing ourselves to others leads to dissatisfaction in life. When you start comparing, you develop a desire to own something which you do not have currently. It may be money, job, house, vehicle etc. This mismatch between demand and availability leads to stress.

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  • Are you waiting to be happy?

    The world is filled with people running behind their short term goals. They work so hard that their personal happiness is ignored by them.

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  • Creating happy times

    Anyone who is a fan of cricket, has heard the commentators say “You have to create opportunities to win matches”.

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  • The Mind lens

    We think we see the world through our eyes, but not exactly. We see the world through our day to day experiences. Whenever we are happy, we perceive our world to be happy and filled with fun.

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  • Talk sweet

    Everyone wants to work at a happy workplace. A workplace becomes happy or sad depending on the conversations that take place. Good conversations are nothing but good words.

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  • Focus on the process

    The whole world keeps chasing success. The internet is filled with videos on becoming successful. People keep working hard and chasing what they feel is success.

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